🎶 MUSIC Innovation in Web3 and Music NFT Ideas

Amyli McDaniel, Esq.

Amyli McDaniel, Esq.

Lawyer and Web3 founder with a mission to unlock the opportunity of intellectual property for creators, brands and entrepreneurs in the digital realm.

I met with a musician for an IP strategy session – he was wanting to better understand what intellectual property (IP) he had & to brainstorm about how he might use his IP and NFTs to grow, engage and reward his fans …
The session was so amazing for both of us!

First, we put together a list of IP assets he has and then – so many great and not so great ideas started flowing Thought some of our discussion was worth sharing as food for thought – especially if you are a musician or in the Web3 music world:

Music and Sound
-Unreleased Tracks: Think exclusive. Think NFT-only songs.
-Iconic Riffs: Bottle that magic in a digital format.
-Sound Effects: Got a signature sound? Make it an NFT!

– Album Covers: The art behind the music, now as a collectible.
– Music Videos: VIP access to behind-the-scenes footage.
– Stage Designs: Ever thought your concert stage could be an NFT

Personal Brand
– Logo: Your brand, your icon.
– Signature: Digitalize your autograph.
– Merch Designs: Exclusive designs, only for NFT holders.

– VIP Pass: Backstage access or a virtual meet-and-greet.
– Private Show: A concert in their pocket.
– Masterclasses: Imagine coming up with a music set on the fly with a superfan – condensed into an NFT experience.

– Guest Appearances: Merge worlds. Create art.
– Mashups: Your music + art = Pure Magic.
– Community Art: Let your fans contribute and elevate.

Lyrics and Writings
– Handwritten Lyrics: The raw soul of your music.
– Song Stories: The “why” behind the “what.”

Creative minds, if you’re genuinely committed to crafting win-win experiences that not only enrich your works but also resonate deeply with your fans, customers, or supporters— worth exploring the transformative world of digital assets aka NFTs.

We at MINTangible have put together a comprehensive list of all the types of intellectual property (IP) assets relevant to the music industry – as my music friend found out there are a lot more than you think! Get the List Now

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