Protecting your Intellectual Property in Web3

Don’t leave your intellectual property to chance in the volatile world of Web3. Our NFT IP Cheat Sheet isn’t just a guide, it’s your fast track to a comprehensive IP strategy.

Accelerate your IP Inventory Assessment. Comprehensive IP assets database segmented by Art, Music, Gaming, Fashion, Publishing, Sports & Software

7-Point NFT IP Strategy. Critical questions that shape a failsafe IP protection strategy

Bonus – IP in Web3 Video Course. Quick dive into the what and how of IP for NFT creators

Bonus – Curated NFT / IP Articles. Over 70+ vetted in-depth reports, articles, talks and books

Serious about safeguarding your digital assets while maximizing their value and the success of your venture? These cheat sheets are a must. You will benefit from the clarity and save a lot of time knowing exactly what steps to complete.

Act now to seize control of your IP destiny.

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Who is MINTangible?

Founded and built by legal, business and blockchain technology experts,
MINTangible is the IP and Digital Rights Management platform for Web3